Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.

About using the site

  • Introduction

    In using the website managed by and operated by Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.. (hereinafter referred to as "our website"), please read the following terms of use in advance and agree to these conditions Please use only after complying with the terms of use. In addition, conditions of use of our website may be changed. In that case please understand that the changed use conditions apply.

  • About copyright, trademark right etc

    The copyright of copyrighted materials (hereinafter referred to as "contents") such as documents, photographs, images, sounds, programs, etc. that are posted on our website belongs to us, the original copyright owner and other rights holders. Except for personal use and other laws permitted, copying and diversion of content without permission is prohibited by law, so please contact us beforehand to obtain necessary permission . Trade names used on our website, other trademarks of our products, logo mark (including banner logo) belong to us. It is prohibited by law to use these without permission, so please contact us in advance to obtain permission. Please contact for permission inquiries.

  • About the links

    • Link to our website

      As long as you set up on the top page of our website ( or the news releases announced by us, on principle, subject to the following observance of compliance is. However, links that fall under the following prohibitions are prohibited. In addition, please contact Musashi Energy Solutions Co.,Ltd. be in charge of general affairs( for any questions.

    • Compliance matter

      Please use the one of "Musashi Energy Solutions" for the notation when linking to our website and display it correctly. In addition, if we ask you to cancel the link regardless of the reason, please release the link promptly

    • Prohibited matter

      Links in a form that will obscure the clarity of our website, such as a link in a format that displays the pages in our website in combination with other contents, a link that appears as part of the website of the link source or Links in a format that will mislead the relation between our company and the link source are prohibited. Link by the banner logo is prohibited (If you would like to link with the banner logo, please contact Musashi Energy Solutions be in charge of general affairs ( and we ask that you individually acknowledge it ). Links from websites that contain public order and morality or content that may be contrary to the law or prohibited are prohibited. Links from websites containing content that slanders or loses credibility of our company or its products, officers or employees are prohibited.

    • Link to other website

      The content of the website of a third party other than the Musashi Group (hereinafter referred to as "Link Site") from our website or linking to our website is managed by the third party's responsibility It is not under the control of our company. Please use the link site according to the usage conditions listed by each link site. We are not responsible for the contents of the link site and for any damage caused by the use of the linked site by you. The link to our website does not mean that we use the link site, recommend goods, services, company etc etc. In addition, it does not mean that there is a special relationship such as partnership between us and link site.

  • About Applicable Law

    The use of our website and interpretation and application of these terms of use are subject to Japanese law unless otherwise stated. With respect to any dispute relating to the use of our website, unless otherwise stated, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.

  • About Disclaimer

    We pay close attention when posting information on our website. However, whether these information is accurate, useful, reliable, whether it is suitable for the purpose of the customer you use, whether it is safe (the function is interrupted We do not warranty about anything including, but not limited to, not doing things, not having errors, correcting faults, and not having computer viruses or other harmful substances on our website and server. In addition, we do not assume any responsibility for any damage caused by the use of these information by our customers, the failure to use it, or the use of our website. We may make changes, deletions of information posted on our website, interruption or discontinuation of our website without prior notice. Regardless of the reason, we do not assume any responsibility for any damage caused by change or deletion of information, interruption or discontinuation of our website.

  • About operating environment

    Please understand that our website may not be displayed correctly depending on the usage environment of our customers.
