Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.

Contact us

Thank you for your inquiry.
Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. makes a prompt response to customers as our motto. Please contact us by telephone or email inquiry form.

Inquiries by phone


Reception hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 17:00 (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays)

Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. Salese Office

8565 Nishiide Oizumi-cho Hokuto-shi Yamanashi 409-1501 Japan

Inquiry by e-mail

Please fill in the following items and press send confirmation button. After the confirmation screen is displayed, it is transmitted by pressing the "Submit" button.

Company name (such as university name)
Department name
Zip code (no hyphen)
Phone number
Mail address
Mail address(Confirmation)
Content of inquiry
