Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.

Principle of lithium ion capacitor

  • Hybrid structure of LIC

    A lithium ion capacitor (LIC) realizes performance that is compatible with both high-level and high-quality by using a hybrid structure using the same activated carbon as the electrical double layer capacitor for the positive electrode and the same carbon as the lithium ion battery for the negative electrode and pre-doping technology Did.

  • High capacitance by pre-doping and its principle

    By pre-doping lithium ions from metallic lithium to the negative electrode, the potential of the negative electrode was lowered, enabling high cell voltage. At the same time, the positive electrode achieves higher capacity by adsorbing and desorbing anions at 3V or more and lithium ions at 3V or less.

  • Charging and discharging of LIC

Characteristics of lithium ion capacitor

  • Both high power density and high energy density are compatible

    ULTIMO® uses activated carbon similar to the electrical double layer capacitor for the positive electrode and carbon material similar to the lithium ion battery for the negative electrode, but with its unique design pre-doping lithium ions, it achieves both high power density and energy density It is a next generation storage device.

    Even if discharging with a large current of 480 A, high capacitance can be obtained.

    Test product ULTIMO® Prismatic cell 2300F
    Test conditions Charge: CCCV 10A, 3.8V, 30min /  Discharge:CC 10~480A, 2.2V
  • Long life

    ULTIMO® can be used at higher cell voltages than electrical double layer capacitors and has excellent high temperature durability. This is because the design is designed to suppress the increase in the positive electrode potential by lowering the negative electrode potential by pre-doping, and at the same time, the degradation of the negative electrode is also suppressed, so that high durability can be achieved even when the charge and discharge cycle is repeated I have it.

    After 800 thousand cycles have elapsed, no noticeable deterioration is seen.

    Test product ULTIMO® Laminate cell 1100F
    Test conditions Charge: CCCV 10A, 3.8V / Discharge:CC 100, 2.2V/ No pause

    After 8,000 hours, no noticeable deterioration is seen

    Test product ULTIMO® Laminate cell 1100F
    Test conditions Applied voltage: 3.8 V / ambient temperature: 70℃
  • Excellent safety

    In lithium ion batteries, metal oxides are used for the positive electrode, and if the cell temperature rises in the event of an abnormality, oxygen is released by thermal decomposition of the positive electrode, possibly causing a thermal runaway reaction. On the other hand, since ULTIMO® uses activated carbon for the positive electrode, there is a fever due to a short circuit at the time of abnormality, but there is no thermal runaway reaction and it has excellent safety.

    Test Condition Result
    Ignition Rupture
    • Current: 200 A
    • Charge rate: 250%
    • Maximum voltage: 20 V
    • Using narrow jig
    None None
    Over discharge
    • Current: 200 A
    • Voltage: 0 V
    None None
    External short circuit
    • Short circuit resistance: 3 mΩ
    • Atmosphere temperature: 55 ℃
    None None
    These test results are observed under the test conditions described and do not guarantee similar results under different conditions.
