Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes the importance of protection of personal information (including specific personal information) in the advanced information communication society, and the law concerning the protection of personal information (Heisei 15 Law No. 57) Protection of other personal information We will endeavor to implement the following personal information protection policy in order to comply with related laws and regulations and guidelines.

  • 1. About acquiring personal information

    We will clarify the purpose of use and obtain personal information by lawful and fair means within the range necessary for achieving its purpose.

  • 2. On the basis of use and use of personal information

    We will use personal information obtained for the following purposes in case it is necessary based on the consent of the principal or for the performance of the contract.

    • For acceptance of applications of products and services from customers and provision of these services
    • For the performance of the contract between the customer and the Company
    • To respond to various inquiries from customers
    • For information on our products and services to customers
  • 3. Third party provision of personal information

    We will not disclose or provide personal information managed by the Company to third parties except as provided below.

    • In case you got your consent beforehand
    • Only when necessary for the purpose of use in paragraph 2 above, when disclosing or providing to a subcontractor who has concluded a confidentiality agreement with us In cases where disclosure or provision is permitted based on other personal information protection laws and related laws and regulations
  • 4. Management of personal information, etc.

    • We will organize an organization and system to properly manage personal information, we will thoroughly disseminate and implement this policy and related regulations to executives and employees, and will endeavor to properly handle personal information in our daily work.
    • We will establish a person in charge of personal information management to oversee protection and management of personal information and clarify its role.
    • In order to prevent damage, loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information managed by our company, we will take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access, computer virus, etc.
    • When we entrust handling of personal information managed by our company to a third party, we will strictly manage and oversee those outsourcers.
  • 5. Retention period of personal information

    We will erase such personal information without delay if the preservation period stipulated by laws or regulations expires or when we do not need to use it to achieve the purpose of use described in paragraph 2 above.

  • 6.Request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc.

    We will respond appropriately according to laws and ordinances and procedures specified by the Company when we make a request for disclosure, correction, suspension or elimination of personal data owned by the Company by the principal and complaints are made. Regarding the handling of personal information, it is also possible to file complaints to the Personal Information Protection Committee and other regulatory agencies. In addition, you can withdraw your consent regarding the handling of personal information at any time.

  • 7. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Initiatives

    We comply with the Law Concerning the Protection of Personal Information, the Law Concerning the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures and Related Laws and Guidelines, and on this policy and efforts to protect personal information We will continuously improve. Safety management measures for specific personal information are separately stipulated in the "Specific Personal Information Handling Regulations".

    For inquiries regarding the request in paragraph 6 above, and our company's personal information handling, please contact the following window.

    Musashi Energy Solutions Co,. Ltd. general affairs

    8565 Nishiide Oizumi-cho Hokuto-shi Yamanashi 409-1501 Japan
    • TEL+81-551-38-8008
    • FAX+81-551-38-8009
