Musashi Energy Solutions Co., Ltd.

ULTIMO® Safety test results of prismatic cell

In both the overcharge test, the overdischarge test and the external short-circuit test, ULTIMO® does not show ignition and rupture, indicating excellent safety.

Test Condition Result
Ignition Rupture
  • Current: 200 A
  • Charge rate: 250%
  • Maximum voltage: 20 V
  • Using narrow jig
None None
Over discharge
  • Current: 200 A
  • Voltage: 0 V
None None
External short circuit
  • Short circuit resistance: 3 mΩ
  • Atmosphere temperature: 55℃
None None
  • Cycle test result of ULTIMO® prismatic cell

    Even if charging and discharging at 200 A is repeated 1 million times, remarkable deterioration is not seen.

    Test cell ULTIMO® Prismatic 2300 F
    Test conditions Charge:CC 200A, 3.8V / Discharge 200A, 2.2V / No pause
    The test results are those observed under the test conditions described and do not guarantee similar results under different conditions.
  • Float test result of ULTIMO® prismatic cell

    Noticeable deterioration is not seen even after 10,000 hours in 70℃ 3.8V float test.

    Test cell ULTIMO® Primatic2300F
    Test conditions Voltage:3.8V / ambient temperature:70℃
    The test results are those observed under the test conditions described and do not guarantee similar results under different conditions.
  • Storage test result of ULTIMO® prismatic cell

    Even when left for 10,000 hours in an environment of 70℃, remarkable deterioration is not seen.

    Test cell ULTIMO® Primatic2300F
    Test conditions 70℃ Environment preservation
    The test results are those observed under the test conditions described and do not guarantee similar results under different conditions.
  • Self-discharge test result of ULTIMO® prismatic cell

    Even when left at 3V for 10,000 hours, noticeable deterioration is not seen.

    Test cell ULTIMO® Primatic2300F
    Test conditions Voltage: 3.8V / ambient temperature: 25℃.
    The test results are those observed under the test conditions described and do not guarantee similar results under different conditions.
